
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Some content-type libraries have been updated. If your content does not render properly or looks weird, please try to reset your browser cache.
The design has been simplified and some features were introduced:
  • You can now switch between grid and list view in content:
  • You can now change the layout as a free user:
This change was made so
has access to change the direction of the content (RTL or LTR), which might be important for some countries.
I fixed an issue where the export as SCORM or HTML did not work.
You can now change your password and email directly from the user settings:
Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 10
In the reports tab you can now view the users content state: See which answers the user selected.
Note: you need to enable "Save user state" under Behaviour in the settings.
Gain more control over your deployments by pausing or resuming them from the reports tab.
Simply click on the pause button and your students will see a pause screen:
You can now organize your content in folders.
Screenshot 2024-03-20 at 22
Just head to and create your first folder. You can name your folder, give it a color and a cover image:
Screenshot 2024-03-20 at 22